3 min readMay 5, 2021

How Dream.Bid works

how dream bid works

We recently launched our latest website’s release, full of additional features and lots of luxury deals!

You may already know us, but if you don’t you may be wondering about who we are and how Dream.Bid works.

On Dream.Bid all items start from 0€, therefore they have no reserve price. All products are authentic, original and guaranteed.

Our company is based in Dublin, and the platform is currently available in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Italy.

How can I register on Dream.Bid?

Signing up on Dream.Bid is fast, easy and free. You have to reach this page and choose whether to register with your email address, Facebook & Instagram.

After a few easy steps you will be able to start bidding on your favorite luxury items!

Before browsing all live auctions you need to buy tokens. Tokens are necessary in order to participate in auctions.

How to buy tokens

To buy tokens you need to click on the related page and choose the most suitable token package. You can select one among the following options:

token dream bid
Token packages available on Dream.Bid

You can pay with credit or debit card or Paypal. Now you will view tokens added into your account…

You are finally ready to make offers on your most desired items!

How to participate in auctions

It’s all set. You can place your first bid! Inside the auctions page you will find all current live auctions.

Inside each page, the last 5 bids placed by users can be viewed and all the details and info related to every item.

Everyday on Dream.Bid a new luxury item is unveiled.

All auctions last 2 weeks (plus 2 hours maximum of extra time) and expire at different times: usually at 12.00 CET, 13.00 CET and 15.00 CET.

Remember to keep in mind each item’s expiration date and time, and to place at least 1 bid — clicking on the related button — during the 2 weeks. Consider that you won’t access the final extra time otherwise.

What is the extra time?

All auctions on Dream.Bid last 2 weeks + 2 hours maximum of extra time. All registered users can place bids using their tokens. Each offer increases the final price by 0,10€. If offers are made during the last 10 second, before the auction expires, an extra time will activate and every bid that follows sets the timer back to 10 seconds, for a maximum of 2 hours. During the extra time only users who have already made at least one bid in the previous 14 days will be able to keep on bidding. The last bidder will win the item and pay the final price displayed.

Keep in mind that tokens are not refundable and shipping is always free!

If you win, you can pay the final price inside your profile page.

So, check your favorite luxury items and place bids before the expiration date, to get access to the final extra time and win!

Moving your first steps on Dream.Bid

Here’s a brief recap on how to subscribe on Dream.Bid and win the luxury items of your dreams!

  • Sign up on www.dream-bid.com
  • Register here following the steps displayed
  • Buy one of the available token packages
  • Browse all live auctions
  • Place at least 1 bid to access the final extra time
  • Keep an eye on your inbox & don’t miss updates on auctions expire date
  • Log into the website before the auction expires
  • Make sure you have enough tokens
  • Make bids during the extra time & win!

If you have any questions please reach us at info@dream-bid.com

Follow us on our social networks to know about news and exclusive offers!

Good luck everybody 😉
The Dream.Bid team.

TikTok — (dream.bid) — https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdX4EKxE/


Written by Dream.Bid

The new digital auction house. Register now & explore our exclusive auctions ↓ www.dream-bid.com

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